The number one choice in today's legal environment course, Cross/Miller's THE LEGAL ENVIRONMENT OF BUSINESS: TEXT AND CASES provides comprehensive, authoritative coverage using an interesting, accessible approach. This 11TH EDITION focuses on the context of law in today's increasingly regulated business world. Dozens of examples, business-oriented features, and step-by-step analyses provide meaningful context for every topic. Students learn how today's legal environment is more about the constraints of business than simple rules of law as the authors highlight managerial decision-making and current events. Ethics becomes a priority with a new, unique framework -- the IDDR Approach -- for making ethical decisions. The authors focus less on “black letter law” and more on broader legal issues facing business owners and managers. Updated cases -- from precedent-setting landmarks to important recent decisions – and critical-thinking exercises challenge students to apply what they have learned to today's legal landscape.
About the Author:
Frank B. Cross is the Herbert D. Kelleher Centennial Professor of Business Law at The University of Texas at Austin Law School, where his research centers on judicial decision-making, the economics of law and litigation, and traditional policy and doctrinal issues in administrative law. He has written several books as well as pieces for the Yale Law Journal, Columbia Law Review, University of Chicago Law Review, New York University Law Review, Texas Law Review, Virginia Law Review, Cornell Law Review, Georgetown Law Journal, Northwestern Law Review, and UCLA Law Review. A former president of the Academy of Legal Studies in Business, Professor Cross received his B.A. from the University of Kansas and J.D. from Harvard Law School.
Roger LeRoy Miller, Ph.D. has served on the faculty of several universities, including the University of Washington, Clemson University, and the University of Miami School of Law. As a professor, he has taught intellectual property law and entertainment law, among other subjects. A widely published and respected author, his work has appeared in the Insurance Counsel Journal, Defense Research, California Trial Lawyers Journal, Antitrust Bulletin, Wisconsin Law Review, and Connecticut Law Review. He has authored or co-authored numerous authoritative textbooks on law, including BUSINESS LAW: TEXT & CASES; BUSINESS LAW TODAY: TEXT & SUMMARIZED CASES; and THE LEGAL ENVIRONMENT TODAY. Professor Miller completed his studies at the University of California at Berkeley and the University of Chicago.
The Legal Environment of Business: Text and Cases 11th Edition is written by Frank B. Cross; Roger LeRoy Miller and published by Cengage Learning. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for The Legal Environment of Business: Text and Cases are 9780357129869, 0357129865 and the print ISBNs are 9780357129760, 0357129768. Save up to 70% versus print by going digital with Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 9780357129791, 9780357129838, 9780357129845, 9780357693278, 9798214347431, 9780357752852.
The Legal Environment of Business: Text and Cases 11th Edition
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- Author(s): Frank B. Cross; Roger LeRoy Miller
- Publisher: Cengage Learning
- Format: PDF, 14.4 MB
- Print ISBN: 9780357129760, 0357129768
- eText ISBN: 9780357129869, 0357129865
- Pages: 722
- Edition: 11th
- Copyright: 2021