Given today’s market volatility, even the most advanced investors can be unsure of their next move. Rather than rely on one or two individuals who claim general knowledge on any given investing topic, you need the advice of professionals who have spent their entire careers developing real expertise on more focused sectors of the market.
The Handbook of Trading is the only book available that provides just that. Greg N. Gregoriou has amassed forty of the world’s top academics, researchers, and practitioners who explain how to make today’s markets work for you. With this highly technical but ultimately practical guide, you have access to a broad array of trading strategies that will put you light years ahead of the competition—regardless of the state of the market.
From technical analysis and momentum trading to algorithmic and FOREX trading, The Handbook of Trading introduces you to techniques and insights never before published, each of which has been rigorously back-tested and analyzed. Chapters include:
- Performance Leakage and Value Discounts on the Toronto Stock Exchange Lawrence Kryzanowski and Skander Lazrak
- Trading in Turbulent Markets: Does Momentum Work? Tim A. Herberger and Daniel M. Kohlert
- Profitability of Technical Trading Rules in an Emerging Market Dimitris Kenourgios and Spyros Papathanasiou
- Leveraged Exchange-Traded Funds and Their Trading Strategies Narat Charupat
- The Impact of Algorithmic Trading Models on the Stock Market Ohannes G. Paskelian
Applying critical lessons learned from the financial crisis of 2008–2009, the contributors explain how to approach turbulent market environments and adjust your trading methodologies accordingly.
The Handbook of Trading is the go-to guide for financial professionals seeking profits in today’s currency, bond, and stock markets.
The Handbook of Trading
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- Categories: Business & Economics - Personal Finance
- Year: 2010
- Edition: 1
- Publisher: McGraw-Hill
- Language: English
- Pages: 497
- ISBN 10: 0071743537
- ISBN 13: 9780071743532
- Series: McGraw-Hill Financial Education Series
- File: PDF, 4.56 MB